About Grandomics

About Grandomics

Grandomics is an internationally-renowned pioneer in third-generation sequencing (TGS). Founded on August 8, 2011, our company was previously known by the brand Nextomics, and is the first company in China providing third-generation sequencing services. For many years, we have established a sophisticated set of applications for our leading TGS platform, featuring four key modules: “research services,” “clinical services,” “bioinformatics,” and “advanced manufacturing.” Nearly 7,000 square meters of research service platforms, medical testing laboratories, and GMP production plants have been constructed in cities such as Beijing, Wuhan, and Suzhou. These facilities are filled with highly advanced platforms such as the ONT PromethION 48, the PacBio Sequel II, the MGISEQ2000, and the Bionano Saphyr optical map. Moreover, we have independently developed the NextDenovo/NextPolish TGS assembly software, the  GrandSV/NextSV structural variation analysis software, the GrandPathogen microbial and pathogenic detection software, the GrandBox genetically inherited disease analysis software, the SCAN-seq TGS single cell sequencing technology, the Pore-C/Hi-C Next Generation 3D Genome Technology, the LAMP-Pore Nanopore SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Detection Technology, and the dbSV Human Genome Structural Variation Database. Simultaneously, we built the Huawei Cloud TGS High Performance Computing Cluster to provide high-quality third-generation sequencing analysis and storage services for our clients. The company’s core team is composed of highly experienced experts in the TGS field, with an MD and PhD proportion of over 50%. On the 2020 Nature Index, Grandomics was ranked second in China’s sequencing industry.

 Grandomics Research Service

Grandomics Research Services, previously known as Nextomics, the first TGS research service company in China, provides high quality research services for higher education and research institutes in areas such as animal and plant genome sequencing, full-length transcriptome sequencing, single-cell sequencing, epigenome sequencing, microbial genome sequencing, metagenome sequencing, microbe biodiversity examination, and structural variation detection. Through our development of TGS bioinformatics tools and processes, we have greatly enhanced the application of TGS in scientific research. With our partners, we have published more than hundreds of SCI papers on Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, Molecular Cell, and Molecular Plant; we have completed the first Asian reference genome HX1 based on third-generation sequencing; we have created the first Chinese DNA N6-methyl adenine (6mA) modification map; we have challenged the “Mount Everest” of genomic sequencing, the Paris polyphylla genome; we have publicized the Top 1000 Insect Genome Project; through our various efforts, we have greatly pushed forward the frontier of genomic research and promoted the upgrade of current scientific norms.

 Grandomics Clinical Service

Grandomics Clinical Services aims to promote the innovative application of TGS in precision medicine and excavate the hidden potential of TGS technology in genome-based disease diagnosis, tumor diagnosis, and metagenome research. We are commited to providing personalized genomic solutions for global scientific researchers and clinical users. For this purpose, a sound quality management system has been constructed to carry out multi-faceted evaluation activities and ensure the accuracy and reliability of test results. Currently, we have launched multiple major TGS scientific research projects including the Personal Reference Genomics Service Program (PRGSP), the single gene Genetic Disease Precision Solution, the large-scale sequencing project dbSV-100K, and the Chinese Quartet Project. Currently, Grandomics has fully initiated the application and development of TGS technology in the fields of genetically-inherited diseases, tumors, and microbe research, hoping to benefit patients worldwide.

 Grandomics Bioinformatics

Grandomics Bioinformatics focuses on solving data processing problems in the usage of TGS technology in animal and plant genome research, microbe detection, and clinical detection. For this purpose, multiple bioinformatics algorithms and platforms such as Next Denovo, NextPolish, GrandBox, and GrandPathogen have been developed, achieving high efficacy usage and precise targeting of genomic big data.

 Grandomics Advanced Manufacturing

Grandomics Advance Manufacturing fulfills clinical needs and provides a full set of diagnostic products including instrument platforms, diagnostic reagents, and diagnostic solutions.